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Create Sample HL7 Messages

The message constructor allows for rapid creation of sample messages based on the STC HL7 API. Messages contain transactions, which are request/response combinations. For example, VXU/ADT is an Unsolicited Update (VXU) Transaction. You generally create and test messages when the interface is created.

To create a sample HL7 message, click the Test > Message constructor menu link. When the page opens, select a transaction type from the drop-down list. Two additional fields appear:

  1. Message - Select whether the message is making a Request or providing a Response
  2. Segment - Click Add, after which a list of each segment field appears. For each segment field, enter the required information and click Continue. If there are warnings or errors, correct them and resubmit. (Refer to the current CDC HL7 Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging to populate the message fields with acceptable values.)

Continue to add additional segments as necessary until the message is complete, then:

  1. Review the message - see Review Test Messages
  2. Process the message - see Process Test Messages
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