PHC Hub Administrator
User Guide (v. July 2018)
Patient Identification and Matching
IWeb uses two
IDs to identify patients: its own internal SIIS ID and the externally
defined medical record number (i.e., chart number or patient ID), which
must be unique to an organization. A patient in IWeb
has one SIIS ID and one or more medical record numbers, one for each organization
the patient has an association with. If no medical record number is defined,
it defaults to the SIISCLIENT+SIIS
IWeb uses deduplication
to identify and merge duplicate patient records. This results in one of
three actions:
- If there is a good match for exactly one
patient record in the registry, the two records are automatically
merged together
- If there is not a good match for any patient
records in the registry, it is automatically added as a new patient
- If there is a possible match with one or
more patient records, the records must be reviewed before they can
be merged
Most administrators run deduplication nightly, which means that updates
are not visible in IWeb
until the next day. In addition, records marked for manual review by IWeb administrators are not
available until they are reviewed, which may take several days. PHC Hub has responsibility
for the message, but doesn't indicate that the message has been processed
and merged into IWeb.
PHC Hub can
request automatic deduplication on certain incoming HL7 messages, so that
IWeb users don't
have to wait to see imported patient information. This has some limitations,
such as:
- Most patients are accepted immediately, but
some still have to be manually reviewed to determine a proper registry
match. Depending on the registry deduplication work queue, this may
take several days. The sending systems can reduce the number of records
that are affected by ensuring that complete patient records are sent.
The more complete a patient record's demographics are, the more likely
it is to be confidently matched to other records.
- IWeb
runs the primary deduplication process every night, which may take
several hours. Automatic deduplication requests that are sent during
off hours are queued to run after the nightly process. This delay
is particularly noticeable after IWeb
upgrades, when the nightly process runs for long periods of time (sometimes
all night) to apply new changes to patient records.
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