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Provider PreBooking Request

The Provider PreBooking Request page allows providers to submit a prebooking request. Once the request is submitted, the provider may not make any further changes to the request. One request may be submitted per organizaztio or facility. Before the provider can submit a prebooking request, the provider must be assigned to a prebooking order set by the state on the Admin & Settings page.

To make a prebooking request, click the Orders & Returns menu link and then Prebooking Request . The Provider Prebooking Request page opens. The form will display only the antigens in the order set that is set to Prebooking and follows minimum order quantity rules. There are two sections of the page that can be collapsed and expanded:

The Shipping Information section is divided as follows:

Section Description
Shipping Address This section displays the current shipping address information for the organization/facility. If the Admin & Settings > Properties > Orders Tab > Enable Editing of Contact Name on the Order Screen option is enabled, users can edit the information by clicking the Edit icon (Edit icon) located on the right side of the Shipping Address heading, which opens the Edit Shipping & Contact Information pop-up window. In this window, only the Primary Vaccine Coordinator's name, email address, phone number and fax number can be edited. Make any changes as necessary and click Save. The updates are displayed on the page.
NOTE: If changes are made to the shipping address, the order is placed in the Approver's Non-Compliant queue for review.
Delivery Hours   The organization/facility's delivery hours are displayed here. To edit them, click the Edit icon on the Delivery Hours heading, which opens the Edit Delivery Hours pop-up window. To change a time, click in the hour box and click the hour number, then click the minutes number (which automatically appears after the hour number is selected), click AM or PM if necessary, and then click OK. Make the time changes as necessary, select Permanent Change (default) or Temporary Change, and click Save. (If Temporary is selected, user can also enter an expiration date for the temporary change. If no expiration date is entered, the change is for that order only. If a backorder is created prior to the expiration date, the temporary change is also used for the backorder if it is sent before the expiration date.) To remove a time, click the X next to it.  

Edit Delivery Hours pop-up window

NOTE: If the Admin & Settings > Properties > Orders > Show Additional Shipping Times option is enabled in VOMS, users can add morning and afternoon times (with a lunch time period in between). For example, if the office is closed between 1:00 - 2:00 p.m., enter 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM in the first set of hours and 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM in the second set. If the option is disabled, only one start and end (open and close) time can be entered for each day.
Delivery Instructions Enter any special delivery instructions in the textbox (where it says Enter special instructions: landmarks, doors, etc.). Limited to 35 characters.

The Provider Request section is divided as follows:

Column/Field Description
Vaccine The vaccine name, product, packaging information, and NDC number for the specific vaccine lot number.
Doses Requested

Enter the requested number of doses for the order. The doses requested must be equal to or above the minimum order quantity. Warning messages appear if the requested number of doses is below the minimum order quantity or above the maximum order quantity.

NOTE: If the "Enable Restrict Funding Source" Property is selected on the Properties-Prebooking tab and a funding source is restricted for the provider, they may not request a vaccine associated with the restricted funding source(s). The Doses Requested text box will remain 0 for the restricted vaccine.

When finished entering information into the form, click one of these buttons:

When the form is submitted, the order will go to the State Approver for approval. The form can only be viewed after it has been submitted.

Once the order has been shipped, the status of the order will be displayed on the Orders & Returns > Inbound Orders tab. The receiving process will remain the same for prebooking orders. See the Receive an Order/Transfer page for more information.