How do I add a new patient?

Note: Also see the Search/Add Patients & Add Vaccinations Quick Reference Guide.

  1. If, after logging in to IWeb, you are prompted to select an Organization, Facility, School, VFC PIN, or anything else, do so.
    Select an Organization in IWeb
  2. If the Patient Search page doesn't automatically appear, click the Patient > Search/Add link in the left navigation pane.
    Patient Search page and Patient > Search Add link in navigation menu
  3. Select the Check here if adding a new patient checkbox. This turns some of the search fields into required fields.
  4. Enter the search criteria for the new patient: First name, last name, guardian's first name, mother's maiden name, street address, city, state, and zip code.
  5. Click Search. If any required information is missing, an error message appears. Additional warning messages may also appear; read them before dismissing them.
  6. If one or more patient matches appear in the list, determine if there is a direct match. If not, or if there are no matches listed, click Add Patient.
    Patient Search page after example search
  7. On the Patient Demographics Edit page that opens, enter additional information about the patient.
  8. Additional tasks may be required, such as clicking the Add button to add an address as the default permanent address.
  9. When finished entering patient demographic information, click Save. Again, follow any instructions listed at the top of the page.
  10. Once saved, the Patient Demographic Master View page opens. Here, you can review patient demographic information, edit high risk categories, update programs, edit the information, and/or perform other tasks allowed by your state. The buttons are listed at the bottom of the page. See the IWeb User Guide or other Knowledge Base articles for additional information.

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