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Frequently Asked Questions
Click on a question below to jump to the answer.
Sentinel Basics
How do I log in to Sentinel?
How do I reset my password?
How do I enter a new patient in Sentinel?
How do I enter the information for a new case in Sentinel?
Sentinel Tabs
How do I use the Linked tab?
How do I use the Referrer tab?
How do I use the Notes tab?
How do I use the Case Reporting tab?
How do I preview other case tabs?
How do I review additional menu items?
How do I use the Demographics tab?
How do I use the Addresses tab?
How do I use the Audit tab?
How do I export cases?
How do I show and hide columns?
How do I navigate through the investigation list?
How do I manipulate the investigation list columns?
How do I use Bulk Action to assign actions?
How do I set up alert rules?
ILI Page
How do I configure the ILI page?
How do I enter information for a new ILI?
How do I search for an ILI?
How do I edit an existing ILI?
How do I enter / work with CDC forms?
How do I enter / work with outbreak forms?
How do I enter / work with State-created forms?
Physician Cards
How do I enter the information for a Physician Card?
How do I work with a Physician Card listing?
How do I perform a Physician Card search?
Quick Searches
How do I search by a patient's name or date or birth?
How do I search using the wildcard (*) character?
How do I search by disease or outbreak?
How do I search by event date, MPI, or investigation ID?
Advanced Saved Searches
How do I perform an advanced search?
How do I save a search?
How do I view, edit, or delete a saved search?
How do I search using supplemental forms?
Lab Reports
How do I access and work with manual lab reports?
How do I access and work with electronic lab reports?
How do I enter an observation in a lab report?
Online Reporting Links
How do I email / distribute a public online reporting link?
How do I email an individual online reporting link to a patient?