PHC Hub logo  PHC Hub User Guide (v. July 2018)

Patient Data Quality Report

To run the Patient Data Quality Report, click the Reports > Stock Report menu link, select Patient Data Quality Report from the Report Type drop-down list, and click Create. Enter the report parameters and click Create Report. The report displays in a new browser tab or window. Use the browser's print feature to print the report.

The available report parameters for the Patient Data Quality Report are as follows:

Field Description
Last Update Date Range To run the report for a specific update date range, enter the From and To dates for the range. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Birth Date Range To run the report for a specific birthdate range, enter the From and To dates for the range. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Organization/Organization Group To run the report for a specific organization or organization group, select the name from the associated drop-down list. An Organization Client (or View) user can filter the report by organization/organization group when they are assigned to that organization/organization group.
Facility/Facility Group To run the report for a specific facility or facility group, select the name from the associated drop-down list.
VFC PIN To run the report for a specific organization's VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list. The PIN automatically populates the Organization and Facility fields.
Region To run the report for a specific district/region, enter the name.
Missing Variables To run the report for patients that have no information in a specific field, click in the field and select the variable/field name(s) from the drop-down list. Only patients with no information in the selected field(s) appear in the report.
Import Differences To run the report for patients that have differences in birth order and/or birth count, click in the field and select Birth Order and/or Birth Count Differences from the drop-down list. Only records that have differences in birth order and/or birth count appear in the report.
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