PHC Hub logo  PHC Hub User Guide (v. July 2018)

Attestation Report

To run the Attestation Report, click the Reports > Stock Report menu link, select Attestation Report from the Report Type drop-down list, and click Create. Enter the report parameters and click Create Report. The report displays in a new browser tab or window. Use the browser's print feature to print the report.

The available report parameters for the Attestation Report are as follows:

Field Description
Date Range Enter the From and To dates to show messages recorded within that range. These fields are required.
Organization/Organization Group To run the report for a specific organization or organization group, select the name from the associated drop-down list. An Organization Client (or View) user can filter the report by organization/organization group when they are assigned to that organization/organization group.
Facility/Facility Group To run the report for a specific facility or facility group, select it from the drop-down list. A Facility Client (or View) user can filter the report by facility when they are assigned to that facility.
VFC PIN To run the report for a specific organization VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list. The PIN automatically populates the Organization and Facility fields.
Required Fields To include the HL7 fields that are required to meet Meaningful Use Level Three attestation, click in the field and then select the needed HL7 fields. If a provider sends a message to PHC Hub without one of the selected fields, the provider won't meet level three attestation requirements.
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