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Realtime Interface

The Realtime interface provides a simple web page that you can use to manually submit one or more messages. It's also the same URL used for HTTPS Post submissions. You can access the Realtime interface both when you are logged in to PHC Hub and when you are not.

NOTE: If you close the page or PHC Hub before processing completes, all unprocessed messages are stored in the system with error messages and are not processed.

Access from PHC Hub

Before you can access the Realtime Interface page in PHC Hub, you must create or select an import profile. Thereafter, the Realtime Interface link appears in the Import Profiles menu section.

To access the Realtime Interface from within PHC Hub after selecting an import profile, click the Import Profiles > Realtime Interface menu link. The User ID and Password fields reflect the information for the currently logged in user and cannot be changed. Enter information in the remainder of the fields and click Submit. The available fields and options on this page are as follows:

Field/Option Description
User ID Displays the username for the currently logged in user. This field is read-only.
Password Displays, hidden in bullets, the password for the currently logged in user. This field is read-only.
Facility Enter the name of the facility where the message is being submitted.
Export PreReserve Select this option if you want to return the imported HL7 message with the response.
Profile ID If necessary, change the import profile identification number.
Message Enter (or paste) the HL7 message to send.

Access from Outside PHC Hub

To access the Realtime Interface from outside of PHC Hub, enter the URL for the Realtime Interface in the browser. Enter the information and click Submit. The available fields and options are as follows:

Field/Option Description
User ID Enter the user's ID (username).
Password Enter the user's password.
Facility Enter the name of the facility where the message is being submitted.
Message Enter (or paste) the HL7 message to send.
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