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Create or Edit an Import Profile

You must create one or more import profiles to import data to PHC Hub. Import profiles can be exported as XML files. This allows the settings to be saved externally and then transferred to a new system. For example, when moving an interface from test to production.

Create a New Import Profile

To create a new import profile, click the Import Profiles > Create New Profile menu link. The New Import Profile page opens. Enter information in the fields and click Create. The available fields on this page are as follows:

Field/Option Description
Name Enter a name for the import profile. This is the human-readable description for the import profile. Generally, this name matches the system that is sending the data. There is a 50-character maximum.
Template Select from the drop-down list an existing import profile to use as the template for this profile. Use either this option or the Import Profile from XML option, but not both.
Import profile from XML Click the Choose File button, then locate and select an import profile that was previously exported in XML format. Use either this option or the Template option, but not both.

Next, set the profile settings. The available profile setting fields are as follows:

Field Description
Name Displays the profile name.
Based On Displays the name of the profile that this profile is based on. All settings in this profile default to the settings in the parent profile.
Type Displays the type of profile defined by the Based On selection. The type controls how the messages are constructed, parsed, and handled. This is a read-only field.
Enabled Select this option to enable the profile and allow data transfer. If not selected, data is not imported using this profile.
Template Select this option to allow this profile to be used as a template for other profiles. When selected, the profile is available in the Based On drop-down list when creating new profiles. Most profiles are generally not templates.
NOTE: When a template is edited, the effects are cascading - any changes to the template affect existing interfaces derived from it, except for changes made to settings on the derived interface.
Log Level Select the message level to be saved for each imported message:
  • Verbose - Save all issue messages. (Recommended)
  • Information - Save all informational, warning, and error issue messages
  • Warning - Save all warning and error issue messages
  • Error - Save all error issue messages
  • None - Don't save any messages
Save Import Text Select an option to define when to save the original message:
  • Always - Always save the original message. (Recommended)
  • Only when errors occur - Save the original message only when it's rejected
  • Never - Don't save the original message
Save Import Response Select an option to define when to save the original response to the message:
  • Always - Always save the message. (Recommended)
  • Only when errors occur - Save the message only when it's rejected
  • Never - Don't save the message
Return Responses Select an option to define whether a response is returned for a message. Since most messages result in an acknowledgment message, this also determines whether acknowledgments are returned. The default action is determined by the value of MSH-16 in each message. This can be overridden here, in which case it applies to all messages received regardless of the value in MSH-16. If MSH-16 doesn't specify an action, then the message is always responded to.

This option is important when Reciprocal Batch update is enabled. Sending systems that expect to receive a batch update may not want any responses. Disabling responses here stops that from happening.

  • Defined by message - Use the value in MSH-16 to determine action. If blank or some other value, default to Always
  • Always - Always send response messages
  • Never - Never send response messages
  • Only on errors - Send response messages when an error has occurred

See Return Responses below for more information.

Send Email Notification of Receipt of HL7 Batch Select this option to send an email alert to either the submitting organization or the submitting user when a batch of HL7 messages is received. To ensure this functionality works, make sure the following fields are set up in PHC Hub's application settings. (See the PHC Hub Installation Guide for more information about application settings.)
  • From Email Address - enter a valid email address
  • SMTP Server URL - enter a valid SMTP URL
  • SMTP Server Port - enter a valid port number
To ensure the organization or user receives the email notification, complete the following setups:

In IWeb:

  • For Provider Email - edit the organization and add a valid email address
  • For User Email - edit the user or global submitter by adding a valid email address, and ensure that the organization the user submits for does NOT have a valid email address

In ImMTrax:

  • For Provider Email - edit the Tier 1 provider and add a valid email address
  • For User Email - edit a manager by adding a valid email address, and ensure that the Tier 1 provider the user submits for does NOT have a valid email address
Flag Incoming Messages as PreProduction Select this option to enable all incoming HL7 messages that are processed by this import file to be flagged as pre-production. This setting can be overridden by enabling the setting of the same name in App Settings.
HL7 Version Select an option to match the outgoing message version to the incoming message version if it is a valid version and hasn't been configured for override:
  • unspecified - To return a logical version based on the incoming message type and version, leave this field unspecified
  • 2.3.1 - Returns a VXR/VXX/QAK message for VXQ (a query for immunization history) and VXU messages based on the outcome of the query
  • 2.4
  • 2.5.1 - For QBP messages, it returns an RSP message with a profile that querying systems should use to determine whether a high-confidence match was obtained, one or more low confidence matches were returned in a list, or that no results were found

Any other versions received result in the system returning a logical value based on the message type (2.3.1 for VXQ and VXU messages and 2.5.1 for QBP messages) unless overridden by the new HL7 version configuration option in the Import Profile Edit page. See the Possible RSP Messages section below for more information.

NOTE: PHC Hub uses version-specific rules for responses as instructed. This setting can force all responses to a specific version. If this drop-down list is left on --select--, the system defaults to the version of the submitting message (MSH-12). If MSH-12 is not populated or is invalid, the system defaults to using 2.3.1 versioning rules for the acknowledgement. This means that an RSP, which does not exist in version 2.3.1, could follow 2.3.1 rules for data types and usage, resulting in unexpected behavior.
Allow access to any provider's facilities This option is not applicable to IWeb installations. This makes all facilities visible in the code value mapping drop-down list.

After configuring the above settings, use the Update Settings section to define General, Patient, and Vaccination settings, then click Save.

Next steps include:

Edit an Import Profile

To edit an existing import profile, click the Import Profiles > Select Import Profile menu link. Locate and click on the import profile in the list on the Available Profiles pop-up window that opens. On the Import Profile page that opens, verify the name of the import profile at the top of the page, then click Edit. Make the necessary changes and click Save. (See the section above for information about the fields and options available on the page.)

Export Profile as XML

To export a profile in an XML file, first click the Import Profiles > Select Import Profile menu link, locate the import profile in the list on the Available Profiles pop-up window, and select it. On the Import Profile page that opens, verify the name of the import profile at the top of the page, then click the Export Profile as XML button. The XML file automatically downloads.

Return Responses

The return responses value determines if an acknowledgement (ACK) is returned from the HL7 message. For example:

Possible RSP Messages

A response to a QBP query returns one of three types of response profiles:

  1. A patient's immunization history
  2. A list of patients
  3. A response that describes issues with the submitted query:

HL7 2.5.1 calls for each of the response profiles to have separate implementations of the message segments. PHC Hub returns the same segment specifications regardless of the response profiles.

Z31 Responses

A query that does not result in a unique identification, but found potential candidate patients, returns a Z31 response. The goal of this response is to return a complete list of candidate patients in response to a request for a person's record. The initiator of the original QBP message can then review the returned patient list and inform/support a re-re-query by the initiator, based on selection of a member of the list.

An example response of this type is as follows:


QAK|9112873316|OK|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|9112873316||SMITH^JOHN||20150122||L|

4561^^^^SS||SMITH^JOHN^R^JR^^^L|DOE|20150122|M||2106-3^White^HL70005|100 MAIN
ST^^NASHVILLE^TENNESSEE^37201^United States^M^^DAVIDSON~~^^^TN^^US^BDL||(543)789-
4561^^PH^^^543^7894561^||EN^English^HL70296||||788-78-4561|||2186-5^not Hispanic or Latino^HL70189||Y|1|||||N|
recall -any method^HL70215|||||A^Active^HL70441|

PID|2||66^^^^SR||SMITH^JOHN^^^^^L|DOE|20150122||||1000 MAIN ST^^NASHVILLE^TENNESSEE^37201^United
PD1|||^^^^^^SR|^^^^^^^^^^^^SR|||||||02^Reminder/recall -any method^HL70215|||||A^Active^HL70441|

Z32 Responses

A response that unique identifies one candidate is a Z32 response. The goal of this response is to return a complete immunization history in response to a request for a person's record. This supports transferring a person's immunization records from one information system to another. The response is very similar to a VXU message in content.

An example response of this type is as follows:


QAK|8766114098|OK|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|8766114098||SMITH^JOHN||20150122||L|
4561^^^^SS||SMITH^JOHN^R^JR^^^L|DOE|20150122|M||2106-3^White^HL70005|100 MAIN
ST^^NASHVILLE^TENNESSEE^37201^United States^M^^DAVIDSON~~^^^TN^^US^BDL||(543)789-
4561^^PH^^^543^7894561^||EN^English^HL70296||||788-78-4561|||2186-5^not Hispanic or Latino^HL70189||Y|1|||||N|
PD1|||SIISCLIENT19082^^2^^^^SR|IU03939^WIESE^DANIELLE^^^^^^^^^^SR~IU03939^^^^^^^^^^^^MR|||||||02^Reminder/recall -any method^HL70215|||||A^Active^HL70441|
RXA|0|999|20150202|20150202|20^DTaP^CVX^90700^DTaP^CPT~20^DTaP^STC0292|999|||00^New immunization
record^NIP001|LS82714^MCDANIEL^MELISSA^A^^^^^^^^^SR~LS82714^^^^^^^^^^^^MR~~~22^^^^^^^^^^^^VEI|^^^SIIS CLIENT19082||||F37NC|20160913|SKB^GlaxoSmithKline^HL70227||||A|20150609141341|
RXR|IM^Intramuscular^HL70162|RA^Right Arm^HL70163|
OBX|1|TS|29769-7^VIS Presentation Date^LN|1|20150202||||||F|
OBX|1|CE|VFC-STATUS^VFC Status^STC|1|V02^VFC eligible - Medicaid/Medicaid Managed Care^HL70064||||||F|||20150202| OBX|1|CE|64994-7^vaccine fund pgm elig cat^LN|1|V02^VFC eligible - Medicaid/Medicaid Managed
Care^HL70064||||||F|||20150202|||CVX40^per imm^CDCPHINVS|
OBX|1|CE|30963-3^Vaccine purchased with^LN|1|Y||||||F|||20150202|

Z33 Responses

The goal of this profile is to return an acknowledgement message. It indicates that either:

Z33 - No Patient Found

A query that results in no matches found returns a Z33 ACK. An example response of this type is as follows:


MSA|AA||No patients found for this query|
QAK|5017019715|NF|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|5017019715||SMITH^JOHN||20150122||L|

Note that MSA-3 could potentially return No patients found in local and remote registry if the local registry and any other remote registries currently configured have no patient records in them.

Z33 - Too Many Patients Found

A query that results in too many candidates returns a Z33 ACK. An example response of this type is as follows:


MSA|AA||No patients found for this query|
QAK|8598683637|NF|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|8598683637||SMITH^JOHN||20150122||L|

The system considers too many candidates to be The value in RCP-2, the maximum allowable results as defined in the Import Profile, or 20, whichever is lowest.

Z33 - Error

A query that results in an error returns a Z33 ACK. This ACK details the issue that occurred with a human-readable response to assist with correcting the query. Responses can be from HL7-specific errors, application level errors, user-configured options, and registry-specific errors. An example of this type of response is as follows:


MSH|^~\&|^^|^^|^^|^^|20150612163003|| RSP^K11^RSP_K11|5078586944.100000422|P|2.5.1|||||||||Z33^CDCPHINVS^^|
MSA|AE||Patient DOB not valid|||^^HL70357|
QAK|8598683637|NF|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|
QPD|Z34^Request Immunization History^HL70471|8598683637||SMIT^JOHN||20160122||L|

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