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This report displays a list of users who have not logged in to the application for longer than the specified time periods (14, 30, 60, and 90 days), sorted by columns. This report can be used to find inactive users whose accounts may need to be inactivated.
To access this report, click the Reports menu link in VOMS, then scroll to the Administrative (or possibly Vaccine Management) section of the Reports page in IWeb and click on the report title, Usage Tracking. The Usage Tracking Report Menu page opens.
NOTE: If the search bar is empty, select an organization/facility in VOMS first, then click the Reports menu link. If the IWeb application "timed out" or otherwise cancelled the session, it may open to the login page instead of the Reports page. Log in to the application again, click the Inventory Management menu link to return to VOMS, and then re-click the Reports link in VOMS. To return to the Reports page from elsewhere in IWeb, click the Reports > Report Module menu link in IWeb. |
Enter the report criteria and click Create Report. The report displays in a new browser tab. Use the browser's print function to print the report.
This report is only available to registry level users (Registry Client, Registry View, and Provider Recruitment Client).
The available search criteria on the Usage Tracking Report Menu page is as follows:
Field | Description |
District/Region |
To limit the report to a specific district or region, select it from the drop-down list. |
Borough/Census Area |
To limit the report to a specific borough or census area, select it from the drop-down list. |
Organization (IRMS ) |
To limit the report to a specific Organization (IRMS) or Organization Group, select from the corresponding drop-down list (after which the option will automatically be selected). Do Not Limit is the default, unless the user has already selected an Organization (IRMS) (in which case, that Organization is pre-selected). |
Facility |
To limit the report to a specific Facility or Facility Group, select it from the drop-down list (after which the option will automatically be selected). Do Not Limit is the default. |
VFC PIN (not displayed for all states) |
To limit the report to a specific VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list. |