VOMS Organization/Facility Client User Guide (v. March 2018) |
This report displays a list of all of the inventory transactions in the organization/facility for all users during the specified date range, along with the transaction type and cost if the vaccine was ordered using the ordering functionality. The cost is based on the order approval date or, if the order approval date is not available, the cost is pulled based on the order submission date. Multiple vaccines can be selected. A total appears at the bottom of the report for the total number of doses for the organization/facility and the total cost of the doses. Specifically, the total number of doses calculates from the sum of the Doses column, and the total cost calculates from the sum of the Total Cost column.
To access this report, click the Reports menu link in VOMS, then scroll to the Vaccine Management section of the Reports page in IWeb and click on the report title, Inventory Transaction Report. The Inventory Transaction Report Menu page opens.
NOTE: If the search bar is empty, select an organization/facility in VOMS first, then click the Reports menu link. If the IWeb application "timed out" or otherwise cancelled the session, it may open to the login page instead of the Reports page. Log in to the application again, click the Inventory Management > VOMS 2.0 menu link to return to VOMS, and then re-click the Reports link in VOMS. To return to the Reports page from elsewhere in IWeb, click the Reports > Report Module menu link in IWeb. |
Enter the report criteria and click Create Report. The report displays in a new browser tab. Use the browser's print function to print the report.
This report can also be exported into .csv format. Click Export Report and then Open, after which Microsoft Excel opens with the report results (if it is installed on your computer).
TIP: The User column displays the name of the user who received the order. |
Field | Description |
Limit Report By |