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The Patient menu is used to search for patient records, as well as add, edit and view patient demographics. The Demographics link becomes available after a search is performed.
View-only users see the Patient > Search link, while Registry users see Patient > Search/Add.
Public information is registry-wide information and can be viewed by every user access level except Vendor View.
Private information is confidential and can only be viewed by the owner. Registry View and Vendor View cannot see private information.
NOTE: Authorized users can only view private information about patients when it was entered by their associated Organization (IRMS). |
Only Registry Client, IRMS Client, and Facility Client users can add and update patient records.
A patient record consists of two major elements, each containing public and private data fields:
Demographics consist of patient name, address, family, and miscellaneous data. The public and private data fields are as follows.
Patient Information:
Field | Public or Private |
First Name or Alias |
Public |
Middle Name |
Public |
Last Name or Alias |
Public |
Suffix |
Public |
Birth Date |
Public |
Private |
Sex |
Public |
Age |
Public |
Multiple Birth |
Public |
Race |
Private |
Ethnicity |
Private |
Language |
Private |
Medicaid |
Private |
Birth File |
Private |
VFC Status |
Private |
Inactive |
Public |
Cell Phone |
Private |
Address Information:
Field | Public or Private |
Street |
Private |
Physical Address |
Private |
City |
Private |
State |
Private |
Country |
Private |
County/Parish |
Private |
Zip Code |
Private |
District/Region |
Private |
Phone Number and Extension |
Private |
Valid Address |
Private |
Private |
Block Health Promotion Reason |
Private |
School |
Private |
Family Information:
Field | Public or Private |
Guardian 1 First Name |
Private |
Guardian 1 Middle Name |
Private |
Guardian 1 Last Name |
Private |
Guardian 1 SSN |
Private |
Guardian 2 First Name |
Private |
Guardian 2 Last Name |
Private |
Guardian Work Phone |
Private |
Mother's Maiden Name |
Private |
Other Information:
Field | Public or Private |
Physician |
Private |
Facility |
Private |
Chart Number |
Private |
Next Appointment Date |
Private |
Block Recall |
Private |
Recall Count |
Public |
Program/Mem. IDs |
Public |
Monthly Income |
Private |
Health Plan Name |
Public |
HP Patient ID |
Private |
HP Enroll Date |
Private |
Birth State |
Private |
Birth Country |
Private |
Allergies/Comments |
Private |
Number in Family |
Public |
Record Information:
Field | Public or Private |
SIIS Patient ID |
Public |
IRMS Owner |
Public |
Entry Date |
Public |
Last Update |
Public |
Regardless of patient record ownership, users will always see every individual vaccination.
Field | Public or Private |
Vaccine |
Public |
Date Administered |
Public |
Historical |
Public |
Manufacturer |
Private |
Lot Number |
Public |
Lot Facility |
Private |
Vaccinator |
Public |
Funding Source |
Public/Private |
Facility |
Public |
Anatomical Site |
Public |
VFC Status |
Private |
Adverse Reaction |
Private |
District/Region |
Private |
Dates of VIS Publications |
Public |
Date VIS Form Given |
Public |
Ownership is a privilege set up by an administrator for an Organization (IRMS) when it is first entered into the application. Records can be owned by a/an:
When a facility or physician is the record owner, it is a combination of IRMS/Facility and IRMS/Physician.
Ownership is identified by the values in the patient demographic record; specifically a/an:
These fields are populated in two ways:
Depending on how the application is configured, it may be appropriate to block ownership for entities such as schools, emergency rooms, and specialized clinics that do not handle any patient management such as reminder recall.
The vaccination date is used to determine ownership, not registry entry date.
NOTE: If the Do not take ownership of this record option is enabled (selected) on the Patient Demographics Edit or Vaccination View/Edit page, the ownership of the patient record remains with the previously owning Organization (IRMS) and is not changed to the Organization (IRMS) making the edits or adding the shot(s). |
The following information relates to patient opt-outs and anonymous information.
The Add Anonymous feature provides the following:
With this feature, the Vaccinations > Add Anonymous link appears and authorized users can add an anonymous vaccination by initially entering the Birth Date, Vaccine, and Date Administered information. Once the data is entered, the Vaccination Detail [Add] page opens and the anonymous entry can be completed.
State law requires that patients who have opted out of being in the registry must be removed from the registry. As such, opted-out patients are completely removed. An anonymous patient is created using an opted-out patient's birth date in order to maintain the vaccination record. The patient data is then moved to patient tables in a different schema. Imported records that match an opted-out patient are refused.
To opt-out a patient, Registry Client users select the Opt Out Patient option on the Patient Edit page. Upon saving the record, a confirmation request message appears because opted-out patients become anonymous within the system and their personal information is removed from the registry. On this confirmation request message, the Cancel button stops the patient from being opted-out, while OK sends the user to the newly created anonymous record.
If a patient is renamed ANONYMOUS, their old record is copied to a table in the OPTOUT schema so that they cannot be re-entered. If the user wants to re-enter the patient, they must re-enter all of the data.
If a patient is renamed ANONYMOUS, their old record is copied to a table in the OPTOUT schema so that they cannot be re-entered. If the user wants to re-enter the patient, they must re-enter all of the data.
Anonymous patients are not included in reports by default. However, the Administration > Properties > Patient Settings > Include Anonymous Patients in Patient Detail Report option can be enabled (selected) in order to include them in reports. Both SIISOptOut and OptOut have this option.
To opt-in a patient, Registry Client users query for the anonymous patient, click Edit, select Opt-In Patient, and then enter the patient information and save the record.
In the Child Care application, only consented students/patients and non-consented students who match both the Organization (IRMS) and the Child Care ID in the user's session are returned.
NOTE: Child_Care_ID was added to the Patient Master table for the purpose of Non-Consent. When the child is associated with a child care, update the Patient Master table with the Child Care ID. If the user's application is Child Care and the OPTOUT_IRMS-SYS_ID is the same as the user's IRMS, the opted-out students are limited by the user's Child Care ID. If a user logs into the Child Care application and does not select a child care, they are not allowed to create students. Therefore, there are no child care students without Child Care IDs. Since it is possible for an IRMS Client or Facility Client user to be assigned to a child care IRMS and create non-consented patients in Standard IWeb, those patients are not accessible to Child Care users. |
In the School Nurse application, only consented students/patients and non-consented students who match both the Organization (IRMS) and the School ID in the user's session are returned.
NOTE: A Non-Consent field was added to the Student Detail page with Yes/No checkboxes (default is No). When the student is marked as non-consented, the School record is automatically copied to the Patient Master table. If the user's application is School Nurse and the OPTOUT_IRMS-SYS_ID is the same as the user's IRMS, the opted-out students are limited by the School ID. If a user logs into the School Nurse application and does not select a school, they are not allowed to create students. Therefore, there are no School Nurse students without School IDs. Since it is possible for an IRMS Client or Facility Client user to be assigned to a School Nurse IRMS and create non-consented patients in Standard IWeb, those patients are not accessible to School Nurse users. |
In the other applications, when the Enable Non-Consent option is set to Facility, only consented patients and non-consented patients who match both the IRMS and Facility in the user's session are returned. If the user is an IRMS user, patients from the IRMS and all Facilities in that IRMS are returned. Otherwise, if the Enable Non-Consent option is set to IRMS, only consented patients and non-consented patients who match the IRMS in the user's session are returned.
The SIIS Opt Out option is the original STC version of opting out. It allows Registry Client users to opt patients in and out of the registry using the Opt Patient out/in button on the Patient Demographics screen. Clicking the button flags the patient as opted-out (or -in). Opted-out patients are returned in a patient search for all users, but only the owning Organization (IRMS) can select the patient. If users from a different Organization (IRMS) attempt to select or view the patient, a warning displays. The warning text is configured in the Administration > Properties > SIIS Optout > Opt Out Patient Warning Text section.
After clicking the Opt Patient Out button, the patient record displays with an opt-out message (for all users) stating Patient has chosen to Opt Out of the registry and the Opt In button displays (for Registry Client users only).
When a search is conducted for an opted-out patient, the patient is displayed in red in the search results.
To further support Louisiana's Hepatitis B Screening pilot program, a Hep B form was added to the patient demographics screen when the Enable Hepatitis B Screening Pilot Site property is enabled on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance page.
To open the form, search for a patient. On the Patient Demographic Master View page, scroll down and click High Risk Hepatitis B Screen. The following sections of the record must be completed and verified: