PHC Hub logo  PHC Hub User Guide (v. July 2018)

Schedule an Export

Once a profile has been created, it can be scheduled for export on a regular basis. You must create or select an export profile before the Export Profiles > Schedule for Later menu link becomes available, however.

To schedule an export, select the export profile and then click the Export Profiles > Schedule for Later menu link. Enter the information and click Save. The available fields and options on this page are as follows:

Field/Option Description
Status Select the operating status for the export. Examples:
  • New - The default state. The export is not scheduled to run
  • Queued - The export is ready to run and will run at the next scheduled time
  • Disabled - The export will not run. It's disabled
  • Errored - The export will not run. The last export resulted in an unexpected error and the export must be manually restarted
  • Stopped - The export has stopped
Period Select how often to run the export. The export runs with a start date equal to the last run date and the end date being the current time. For example, if an export is scheduled for Every Day, it runs at the time scheduled in Application Settings and exports all changes since the last export.
Start Date Enter or select the start date to be used the first time the export runs, or the next start date if the export is currently running. Use the format DD/MM/YYYY. The start date is the start of the export window and not when the export begins to run. For example, if you want the export to include data for the last three months, set the start date to three months ago. Once the first export completes, the start date resets to the current date.
Method Select what should be done with the export one it has completed:
  • Saved - Export data is saved in the database
  • File - Export is saved to the local file directory specified in the Location field. The data remains available for download again at a later time
Location Enter the location where the export file should be sent. The location is required if the export method selected is File.
Name Enter the name to use when sending data. If the export method is File, the name is sued as part of the file name. This field is optional.
Enable Splitting Select this option to enable reciprocal batch splitting. When enabled, the export file is split when it reaches the size specified in the Batch Size field.
Batch Size When the Enable Splitting option is selected, enter the size, in kilobytes, the export file must be before it is split.
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