PHC Hub logo  PHC Hub User Guide (v. July 2018)

Import Profile HL7 General Settings

Use the following fields to set HL7 message options in the import profile.



MRN Identifier Enter the identifier for the messages this account receives.

The PID-3 field may include one or more IDs of which one should be the MRN. To differentiate between different IDs, each is given an identifier. Common identifiers include:

  • MR - Medical Record Number
  • PT - Patient Identifier
  • [blank] No identifier is sent
  • Other value defined by sender
Application Type Select the type of application sending data. (Not applicable to WIR installations.)
  • CDC Standard - Messages only include fields explicitly defined by CDC standards
  • McKesson - Messages are formatted to newer standards
  • MiSys - Messages are formatted to older standards
  • QS-Insight - Message standards match the CDC standard
  • STC-IWeb - Includes support for IWeb-specific fields and data
Hash ID by sender Sending systems are required to submit unique MRNs. Some sending systems may collect data from different systems and send them in one account. This is not preferred, but in rare cases the MRN ID can be hashed to make it unique. The sending facility (MSH-4) and sending application (MSH-3) are concatenated together and then hashed to generate a unique sequence of characters (the hash) and it's pre-pended to the MRN listed in the record using a colon. For example, if the MRN provided for the patient is 975779 and the resulting hash was 3780937371, then the registry stores the MRN as 3780937371:975779. The new ID is then submitted to IWeb as the patient's MRN. This method ensures that even if two entities within the data stream assign the same MRN, they appear as different MRNs after they are hashed.

Using this option makes user searches by MRN in IWeb difficult as the MRN won't include a strange set of characters unique to the sending facility.

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