PHC Hub logo  PHC Hub User Guide (v. July 2018)

Import Profile HL7 Observation Settings

HL7 Observation settings support the GE Centricity EHR product. Use the following fields to define the import profile settings.



Observation definition Enter the XML mapping that defines how observation messages that contain vaccinations are mapped into CPT codes. If the observation message contains lead lab data, leave the field blank. See Workaround for GE Centricity for more information.
Assume administered Select an option to mark vaccination data as administered or historical. Observation messages that contain vaccination data don't indicate whether a particular vaccination was administered or historical, but it does indicate when the vaccination was recorded in the sending system. This option allows for marking historical vaccinations that were given before they were recorded, with the assumption being that vaccinations given previous to the data entry were not administered by this submitter.
  • No - Assume the vaccination is historical
  • If recorded today - Assume administered only if recorded on the same day as it was given
  • If recorded today or yesterday - Assume administered only if recorded on the same or next day as it was given
  • If recorded today or in the last 2 days - Assume administered only if it was recorded within two days of being administered
Unknown code handling Select an option to define how an unrecognized observation code is handled:
  • Default - Ignore the observation and don't process
  • Reject - Reject the message and generate an error
  • Ignore - Ignore the observation and don't process
  • Add - Ignore the observation and don't process
Consent filter Select an option to define how states that require consent before accepting data into the registry should filter observation messages. This setting only affects observation (ORU) messages and not other messages (such as VXUs, DFTs, or ADTs) even though they may have observation segments in them.
  • None - Accept all messages
  • Assume Consented - Ignore updates for patients that explicitly indicate that they are not consented. The sending system has marked the patients that have not consented to be in the registry
  • Assume Not Consented - Accept only patients that explicitly indicate that they are consented. The sending system has marked the patients that have consented to be in the registry
Consent code Enter the observation code that the consent is recorded under. The code is defined by the sender and may differ from one system to the next.

Consented value

Enter the value that indicates the patient has consented. This value needs to be set when the Consent filter field is set to Assume not Consented.

Refused value

Enter the value that indicates that the patient has not consented. This value needs to be set when the Consent filter field is set to Assume Consented.

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